Posted November 7, 2017

5 Reasons Why You Should Put It All in the Cloud

5 Reasons Why You Should Put It All in the Cloud
i4 Asia Blogs

Since we are living in the digital world, most people now prefer storing information in the Cloud. This is also the same case in most companies and businesses who are leaning towards efficiency and innovation. So, if you’re a business owner, you might consider switching to a Cloud-based system. We have narrowed down five ways how a cloud-based system can transform your business towards productivity.

An Economical Choice

You must be thinking that subscribing to a cloud-based system is just another unnecessary cost to the company. Let me stop you there, and tell you that you’ve got it the other way around. Did you know that it’s actually more financially wise to have a cloud-based system for your business?

Cloud-based services offers different payment terms that can be fitted to your company’s budget. Since cloud-based systems are low maintenance infrastructures, it will greatly minimize the cost of your IT operations. These cloud service providers offer 24/7 customer support for their clients so that you no longer have to hire IT specialists in case the server crashes.

Collaboration and Flexibility

One of the most common dilemmas of businesses and companies is the lack of unstructured information. This will not be a problem if you have a cloud-based system. When all of your information is ‘up on the cloud’, it means that it’s online and can be accessible to anyone you granted an access with. In line with this, if you have a cloud-based system in your company, ALL your information is centralized.

In term of flexibility, your company will not be restricted to work inside the office if you have  this system. You can work remotely as long as you have an internet connection. Your employees can be mobile and work simultaneously as long as you have everything in your cloud-based system.

Data Analyzation

There are cloud-based services that offer to analyze your data.  You can utilize all these cloud-based productivity apps to track all the information that is being fed into your system. So, you no longer have to painstakingly go through all your unstructured data. You can make out a performance report in seconds! It’s easy, functional, and hassle-free.

Safety and Backup

The benefit of having a cloud-based system is that you have external servers that can safeguard your information. Aside from their customer support, they also offer backup services wherein they make clone versions of all your information in a separate server which you can access in case disaster strikes.

In addition, you can also acquire their security services if your company holds confidential information. Two-factor authentication is just an example of how you can secure your employees and company’s information. There are certain threats lurking on the cloud, but major cloud-service providers such as Google and Microsoft assures us that they continue to find ways to improve their security.

More Business Opportunities

Once you utilize cloud-computing to your business, your company also gets exposed to other companies that are also on the cloud. You’ll also be oriented with other services and features that will help you publicize your business to the web.  Eventually, you’ll learn how to use your productivity apps to optimize your company’s performance.

In the next few years, it is estimated that the majority of enterprises will adopt cloud technologies and services. Due to its efficiency and strategic value, it’s guaranteed to push your company to the future. If you are not convinced enough, remember this, in order for your company to grow, you have to embrace change (it may sound too cliche but it works!). So, go for it!

i4 Asia

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